Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Angry Baby & The Boob Factor

No one told me that babies get angry and they make no bones about letting you know you've just pissed them off. Sienna was not a happy camper after we nursed her, cuddled her, sang to her, spent our whole day with her, changed her...goodness...I thought I did everything you could do for a baby and this chica was still not happy. It's 8:00 and it's bed-time. Besides, I still have work I need to finish up before the evening is caput!

So, I gave her to the BradDad. And for the life of him, he couldn't get her to stop crying. You know how when someone gets upset they bang their fist on the nearest hard object? Well that was Sienna. The BradDad put her in her crib and the minute her butt landed on the mattress, her left leg immediately went into repeated bangs...bang, bang, bang...rapid fire motions. I never saw a baby do tha before. She actually was truly upset with us. She just didn't want to go to bed.

Now, if you stuck a boob in her mouth and let her suck on that for a while, she was all good. But I can't be a walking boob every hour of the day. I'm okay with the better part of the day, but not my every waking hour!
Okay, Sienna, you rule!!! You win! You are the Queen...all those crazy onesies with the quotes on them are true. You've lived up to each one of them, even the one that asks, "Does this make my butt look too big?" :-) I give in. Here's my boob!

And so finally, she fell asleep with my boob in her mouth. I gently pried it out and left her on the bed with the BradDad. Ahhhhh, peace and quiet, and a moment to finish up some very abandoned domestic chores.

I love you, Sienna.


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